Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fruit basket, story telling & fun videos!

Amazing right?! Two posts within one week! Both Kai & Koa did something cute in the last two days so I wanted to note it for posterity before I forgot!

On Monday night, we had a family home evening at our house with Brock, Allison, Mason, Zach, Calvin, Ben, Melissa, & Braden. It was a lot of fun. We had dinner then Melissa did the lesson on family - it was a cute lesson so I'm going to digress! She compared a family to ingredients of a cake (in our case it was brownie cookie bars). She asked them if the ingredients would taste good by themselves. Of course not! But, if we mix them all together (she had them all mix them in bowls) it becomes a delicious brownie cookie bar! Brock jokingly asked who was which ingredients and they were naming who would be the chocolate. So I spoke up and I said if anyone should be the chocolate, it would be me since I have brown skin! I said I ate so much chocolate thats why I have brown skin! Mason and Zach looked at me in awe and wonder believing me & I started laughing and said I was joking but they didn't look like they believe me! Brock and Allison (who were also laughing) said that they just knew that the boys would be laying in bed that night continuing to wonder if that was true or not!

Okay back to where I left off. After the lesson and closing song (Koa loved singing along even though he didn't sing words!) Allison had us play games. We played fruit basket! We had some interesting fruits in our fruit basket! Lychee (that was mine) guava, boisenberry, papaya and of course banana, orange & apple. We had a chair set in front of the tv so that we could kind of have a circle to play with. It was a blast!

After we were fruit basketed out, we just sat around talking. So Kai put his booster seat onto the chair in front of the tv and climbed into it. Then he said "Let me tell you a story, once upon a time, firebird trapped in a cave. then he trapped in a cave and lost. He dropped a firebird feather and it flew away to rockets house. " (I couldn't remember exactly what he said last night, so I just told him to tell me the story again and thats what he told me) The way he told it to us was so animated! He is a great story teller! He had great voice inflections and facial expressions! For your information, the story he was telling us is a Little Einsteins movie. It was really cute! Then he went and grabbed a book and started reading it to us - showing us the pictures and everything! When he was done, he closed the book and said AAA-MEN. By this time I had grabbed our video camera and was ready when he got another book. This next book he took a lot longer to read because sometimes he flipped the pages one way and then other times he flipped them the other way! It was still cute and he still finished by saying AA-Men! Allison and Brock still wanted to stay and watch him but by this time it was 10:30 ish at night so they had to leave. Then Kai brought me a book and I started reading to him and he fell sound asleep before it was even done. It was a cute, fun night!

Yesterday, when we went to Bill's office I had my hands full so I couldn't carry Koa so he walked behind me. As we entered the warehouse, Justin was walking in from the opposite direction and said something like "Hi bud!" to Koa. Koa broke out in a huge grin and started running towards him like he was going to hug him! But at the last minute, he stopped inches in front of Justin, turned around and squatted above Justin's feet like he was farting or trying to poop on them! It was hilarious! Whats even funnier is Bill installed security cameras just the other day, so its caught on video! Maybe we'll enter it on America's funniest videos or something!

Wow, I sure write a lot don't I? Oh well, better more to remember than less!

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